Get more donations, automatically

Reach more supporters and create a passive fundraising stream effortlessly.

Raise more with the Shop to Give Program

Reach new audiences

Get in front of socially-minded shoppers and make it easy for new donors to support your cause.

Control your earnings

Get immediate access to your incoming funds, creating an all-new donation stream.

Make giving seamless

Donations happen automatically, so passive income keeps coming your way without effort.

How it works

The Shop to Give program makes it easy for people to give back to the causes they care about without it costing a thing for supporters. Merchants fund the donations every time a supporter shops or dines at their store. All they have to do is sign up, add the browser extension and link their credit card. Any time they follow the prompts and make a qualifying purchase, a donation will be headed your way!

Shop to Give for supporters

Supporters do the shopping. Brands do the giving. 

The brands Givebacks work with for the Shop to Give program choose to spend their dollars to delight your socially-conscious supporters, instead of annoying them with more ads. Win-win. There’s more than 25,000 places supporters can shop in-store or online to earn donations for your organization. 

Shop to Give for brands

How to get started

  • Register with the Shop to Give program
  • Enter your cause’s EIN
  • Verify your organization
  • Set up payouts
  • Get donations, automatically!
Register as a nonprofit