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Thanks a million!

September 12, 2024

Thanks a million!

Big, exciting, shout-from-the-rooftops news – the Shop to Give program just reached over $1 million in charitable donations! Supporters who care about making a difference powered every dollar, and they’ve had a huge impact on the causes they care about most.

Thanks to their supporters, school-based organizations, faith-based groups, and tons of other nonprofits received crucial funds to carry out their mission through the Shop to Give program.

Plus, supporters have shown brands and merchants how important it is to them to stand with socially-conscious values.  

Help hit the next $1 million milestone

What’s next? Keep spreading the word!

Make sure your members and supporters know how easy the Shop to Give program makes powering donations to your organization at no extra cost to them. Share the app with them now. 

If your organization isn’t currently using the Shop to Give program for passive giving, what are you waiting for? Get started now to benefit from the next $1 million in Shop to Give donations!